My Freshly Pressed Fifteen Minutes


So for five days, my smartphone has almost constantly displayed the little blue WordPress app icon at the top of the home screen. Notification that somebody is either following my blog, liking one of my blog posts and/or leaving a comment.  This is not my normal. This is heady stuff.

This, I realize, is probably as close as I’m going to come to my Warhol Fifteen Minutes of Fame.

I was Freshly Pressed last week.

Am I the only one who feels the guilt of baskets of wrinkled clothes awaiting ironing piling up for weeks on end when I see the phrase “Freshly Pressed”?  I really hope so…  Or – much better thought – about buying a bottle of champagne and making mimosas?  Maybe several bottles.

I got the email last week from one of the WordPress editors.  She said she had selected one of my posts to be Freshly Pressed.  She said many nice things.  Amazingly all without any sort of promise of compensation by me at a later date!  The comment that I liked best was that my writing was “off-kilter in just the best way.”  Welcome to my world…

It feels strange having followers.  I write this blog for myself.   As I told my new bff WordPress editor, for me, it’s enough to just get it “out there”.  I needed a cheaper alternative to psychotherapy.

The fact that it might also be entertaining to some individuals of questionable taste is a serious bonus.

I am not a natural writer.  My grade school, high school and college English grades will support me on this.  Possibly my kindergarden grades as well.  Oh, I did do some writing during the many years I was an IT business analyst for an insurance company.  You can only imagine – if you stay awake long enough – how fascinating my memos and emails to vendors, internal customers and programmers must have been.

For a few anxious moments in the past few days, I worried if I was up to having – gasp – nearly 200 followers.  For many of you, I know this is a modest number.  To me it’s like having 20,000 followers.  A huge number to somebody who didn’t anticipate any.

Will future posts be as delightfully charming and witty?  Will I continue to be able to entertain and amuse my devotees?  That’s sarcasm in case you didn’t recognize it…  Can I maintain being “off-kilter in just the best way”?  Can I live up to the lovely compliments that so many people have offered?  That’s not sarcasm.

Like so much of life, I have to say I have no idea.  As I get older, I’m far more comfortable than I used to be with having more questions than answers.  Actually, it’s almost a relief not to have answers.  It seems to leave more space for possibility.

So I’m just going to continue to reflect on the absurdities of aging in our youth obsessed culture and the increasing madness of a world gone catawhampus.  All in my “off-kilter” way.

Senior citizen gone wild. For fifteen minutes.

Pass the Mardi Gras beads, the mimosas and Campbell Soup!

18 thoughts on “My Freshly Pressed Fifteen Minutes

  1. That’s amazing and awesome congrats! Most of us “write” for ourselves but a freshly pressed nod from WordPress is no less amazing when it happens! I’ll take this problem you’re having Lol. I think freshly pressed or not though what you are doing is working and entertaining the masses so just keep on doing your thing!


    • Thank you! I just started my very tiny blog in January knowing nothing about blogging so I was totally stunned! How my bff WP editor even found it, I’ll never know. Not complaining mind you… I love that you said I was “entertaining the masses”! Thanks again!


  2. Congratulations! I’m very happy for you and I remind you that I discovered your blog and have been following you since way before the editors at WordPress finally recognized your slightly “off-kilter” style.

    And I will tell you that, while being Freshly Pressed provided both a short-term bump in my views and followers, it has pretty much been sustained (and even increased) since I was FP’d in December. So my 15 minutes of fame has lasted about five months, so far.

    I wrote a post about the impact of being FP’d last month, so in case you missed it, here it is:


    • Are you kidding? No reminding needed – I’ll never forget… I’m pretty sure you were my first follower Doobster and gave me encouragement that was desperately needed! So do you feel like you were Mr. Miyagi to my Daniel? I’m just grateful for my 15 minutes, but if it goes to 25, I wouldn’t complain. Thanks for the congrats!


  3. Your off-kilter musings are right up my street. Bonus points for a catawhampus. Love it! My new favourite blog. Have you thought about linking to Bloglovin? I couldn’t find you on there. I imagine Freshly Pressed as a big container of ripe Valencian oranges although my blog has yet to be juiced to the masses… Maybe one day! Keep up the wry observations.


    • I’m such a newbie at all of this – I haven’t heard of Bloglovin, but I’ll check it out – thanks! Keep writing about what you love and are passionate about, and you’ll get good ‘n juiced one of these days! I really do appreciate you kind comments! And for the record, I think catawhampus is a drastically underused word…


  4. Must say I am well Jel – LOL. I only have one person following me and four hits! I now know what Bridget Jones was going on about in her newish book regarding ‘no tweets’ etc. Love the sarcasm, well done.


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