69 thoughts on “Gone fishin’

    • Love the analogy! I’ll probably get back on this week (I have a really cute picture of myself that I HAVE to make my profile picture…) 😉 and I hope I have the discipline to not spend much time on it. Love how it helps me keep in touch with long distance friends, but it’s such a time waster if you let it be. I need some of your resolve Amy! Send some of it my way!


  1. Great post. Just so you know, Vegas has your over/under bet line at five days. I’m betting you go the whole time because I have faith in your determination. I don’t have much to base that on but you’ll need to work with me on that reasoning😊

    Liked by 3 people

    • And Vegas would be a LOSER!!! 9 days and counting! 🙂

      Your faith is well placed if I do say so myself! I think sometimes you just get a gut feel about somebody so you really don’t have to have actual facts to back it up. As I always say, t’s all about the energy George… Thanks for the faith and the compliment!


    • Thanks Catherine! You know – I think I may have originally written it using “delusions”, but changed it. While I think it’s a better word to use in this case, some may find it a bit…harsh. Not everybody is quite as self-acutalized as we are… Illusion has a much gentler sound to it doesn’t it? 🙂


  2. It’s scary how much I can relate to that. I have all of my family and friends in far off places, and FB is great for keeping up with everyone, but it’s like a three second glimpse of a music video compared to a full live performance of your favorite musician. It is not a satisfying medium for human interaction. I’m toying with the same idea. Let us know how it goes. And thanks for the refreshing humor.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wow – thanks for the great compliment! And I love the analogy. It much less risky to have a relationship virtually than in person, safer to some extent, but much less satisfying. Like someone commented earlier, it’s like eating hamburger but craving filet mignon! As you said, it’s just not satisfying.

      Are you a vegetarian? If so, sorry… 🙂

      It’s going well. I’ve had much more time to do other “stuff” and haven’t missed it too much. I think part of some of the missing it is just the “habit” of it. Does that make sense? It’s like a smoker who gives up smoking misses not only the act of smoking but the habit of handling the cigarette. Not sure that’s true – I could have made that up, but it kinda makes sense (in a warped AGMA way…) Thanks again!

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      • No I am not a vegetarian, just not into Factory Farmed meat since reading “The Omnivore’s Dilemma.”
        FB is indeed a habit. I waste too much time there, but since starting the blog, I get a lot more practice writing and don’t spend nearly as much time on it. Most habits have some ritual to them–like you mentioned in smoking, the handling of the cigarette. Wonder what the FB ritual is?

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  3. I started unplugging from FB in January when I found myself in a deep dark hole of winter blahs….I needed to get away,,,,,,funny thing was of the 400+ so,called friends I have, it took me being MIA for 5 days till someone actually reached out and messaged me to see if I was ok……..eye opener. I now unplug monthly, just because!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I like the monthly idea! I’ve been off for 9 days and like you, out of nearly 400 “friends”, two have sent me a “hey is everything okay?” email. That’s not why I unplugged, but I do find that very interesting and, as you say, eye opening. My big insight though all of this is that just because somebody is a family member, they are not necessarily a friend. At least in my case. I’m definitely going to be doing some “trimming” when I get back on!

      Thanks for sharing your experience!


  4. I gave up FB, but came back a month later, this time a bit differently. I realized that we have friends and family all over the place, and I didn’t want to lose touch. So, I blocked all but about 30-40 folks, who I read often, without commenting. I mostly go in to say Happy Birthday…and to apologize every once in a while for being MIA. It seems to work for me. Good luck with your break. ☺

    Liked by 2 people

    • So now, when I get back on, block like 300 people and only post now and then, I can blame VanBTR for the BRILLIANT idea! I’m pretty sure that that’s the road I’ll be heading down when I sign back on.

      I actually have a business page tied to my profile that I need to have up so I really do HAVE to get back on this week. But it’s really been great not being hounded by all that junk that shows up on your timeline.

      Thanks for sharing your FB coping strategy!

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      • So happy it’s working out for you. It has saved me a lot of hassle, and they are still listed as friends, so they have no real idea that I’m blocking their stuff…no hard feelings. It’s kind of genius ! ☺

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      • Just got back on last night. I made about 80% of my “friends” acquaintances. You don’t see their posts as much plus when they post and you can customize who sees your posts by choosing “exclude acquaintances”. Plus I defriended about 12 people and unfollower some pages that weren’t really bringing me joy. Political stuff you know? We’ll see how this goes and if I really need to do some blocking.

        But I feel great about it and have decided (which I should have done from the beginning…) that it’s my experience and I can craft it any way I want! Thanks again!


  5. Hope you don’t decide to never come back. I enjoy you and your blogs. But I can see this is a wise idea to get your creative juices going. Enjoy but please don’t stay gone too long.


  6. This is excellent!! So glad to know that I’m not the only “mature” person out there who feels the same way about FB. I’m giving some serious consideration to getting out myself. Some similar reasons, some a bit different. It’s all too much information. Good luck with your break.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks! And I highly recommend a break! I got back on last night but with a whole new attitude. I guess I was always in charge of my FB experience, but I never really understood that. Last night I took charge and made some big changes! It’s basically about seeing what you want to see and getting rid of the rest – sort of.

      I feel a mid-winter follow-up post might be called for to let folks know how things are going. Stay tuned in January! Ha!

      And if you take a break, let me know how it goes!


  7. I, too, have a love-hate relationship with FB. Awhile back I deactivated my account for roughly a week, but I found that what I missed most was the writing part of it. Also, I have about a gazillion funny memes saved to my phone that had no one to entertain. So, I reactivated it, and everyone thought I was a knucklehead — and they were right. *Sigh*

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    • But it’s just so easy to deactivate it again if you want to. You are in charge. I like that! Everybody does FB for a different reason and I think my 10 day break helped me figure out what I wanted to get out of it. I felt like I was just wandering around without any intent bumping into things I didn’t like and didn’t know how to avoid. Now I have intent and avoidance strategies.

      And I think sharing funny memes is a great reason to be on FB! God knows we need more laughter in this world – lots more laughter! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your experience!


  8. For a writer who didn’t have anything to say, you certainly fooled me. I enjoy FB simply because it is entertaining to read some of the lame, stupid comments, and then laugh my ass off. As long as you don’t take it seriously, it can be a fun way to start the day.

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    • You know, my husband says the same thing when I say I really don’t have any comment to make about something and then proceed to talk his ear off! 🙂

      I signed back on last night with a “New Attitude” and am determined to control FB and not have it control me! I’m the king of the world! Or at least my FB page….


    • Thanks Irene! It was eye-opening and enlightening. Exactly what I had hoped for!

      And I think I’m going to follow your “un-follow” lead… (is that an oxymoron??) I de-friended about 10 people last night and un-followed about 5 pages that just had a lot of negative energy around them. Yeah for getting rid of negative energy!

      So if you get off, please let me know how it goes! Thanks again of your compliment!


  9. I’m in. Tonight when I make sure I still remember my FB password, I’m going to log off and stay off for a week. Will report back if it re-centers me.

    My reality is up for a change, one one side I have comfort and stagnant. The ability to be there for my two small children more often then most working mothers. On the flip I have an opportunity that will shake me to the core, but comes with title office and all. Exactly what I’ve wanted all this time. My family life will suffer though. I have zero clue what to do. I think either way, I’ll resent someone or something. *sigh*

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    • Holy cow! You have a big choice to make lady!

      I think unplugging can definitely help get you out of your “normal” routine. I really believe that staying in routine too long stifles creativity and dulls your focus. It’s definitely comfortable (and I do like to be comfortable!), but when something big comes along, there needs to be a big shift in what you do and how you do it to help re-focus and re-center yourself.

      I’m frankly amazed at how much of an impact getting off FB was for me. I realized that it was a place of comfort for me and I needed not to be comfortable. It was also a place of lots of negative energy for me. And negative energy isn’t good for AGMA! Removing the “familiar” and “comfortable” and “negative” really helped me be more present to myself and what I wanted to get out of my life at this point of my life (which I’ve found shifts often as you walk the journey of life!)

      I pray that you receive insight and clarity that will help you make your decision. Just remember there is always a price to pay for every decision we make – there is no perfect situation. When the pros outweigh the cons of a choice, and you go with that decision, move forward with the certainty that, in the end, this is what was supposed to happen (even if crap happens in the meantime.) Regrets just rob you of the joy of life. Plus, if it looks like the outcome isn’t going to what you had envisioned, you can always take a big, deep breath and change directions! Good luck Forkin and let me know how it goes!


      • I lasted 2 days. The 3rd I didn’t feel like not being on FB was as hard and didn’t see why I was avoiding it. Nothing really changed.

        What was harder for me, was the promise to put my phone down and away from reach while dealing with the kids.

        giving them 100% of my attention.

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      • Ah ha! So your phone is my Facebook! I didn’t handle my phone nearly as much when I was off FB which told me that I much of my time on my phone was FB related.

        What is it that you do on your phone so much? Makes me wonder how plugged in I would be if I had young kids. Probably way more than I think. When I’m visiting them, I watch my son and DIL on their phones a lot (but never enough evidently to answer a text from me – just saying’…) 🙂 And I wonder as my grandson get’s older if they are going to put their phones down more like you. Of if they’re going to be that family I see out at dinner where the kids AND the parents are all on their phones and nobody’s talking. I can’t judge because it’s a new day with new rules, but I have to admit it always makes me a bit sad…


  10. I’m not going to lie. I LOVE Facebook. But I can see how taking a break from it, or even giving it up completely, could be very cathartic. But I don’t even have a cell phone, and FB is actually my main method of keeping in touch with people, and in some cases I use it to actually organize actual real life get-togethers with old friends (in person!) (Plus I use it to promote my blog to my friends, many of whom read it.) Other than that though, it can certainly be a huge time waster.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for your thoughts! I think my big takeaway (is that one word or two?) was exactly that – the FB experience is different for everybody. I just had no idea what it was for me until I got off of it. And I LOVE the word “cathartic”! I don’t use that word enough… But it WAS cathartic!

      Western society being the way it is now, tell me how you function without a cell phone? I’m truly curious. I’m not a yapper on the phone or I don’t stream TV shows or tweet, but I am having a hard time imagining life without a smart phone (although, ironically, I didn’t have one for some 40+ years of my life!) Heck, I work for a homeless ministry in my church once a week and even many of the homeless we serve have cell phones! What’s your secret? 🙂

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      • I think the main thing is I’ve never had one. I absolutely flat out refuse. I’m not anti technology. I love my computer and my iPod (strictly for music) and having electric lights and all that, but when I see people walking around the streets staring down at their phone I actually kind of want to taser them. Especially when they’re in my way, oblivious to everything around them. Aside from that I have a set schedule at work, and when it’s time for me to go there, I go there. When it’s time for me to leave, I leave, and I leave all my work troubles there. When I want to be off the grid, I am REALLY off the grid. I also have an excellent sense of direction, and know how to look at a paper map, possibly because I’ve never spoiled that instinct by using a smart phone to tell me how to get somewhere. (I do have a landline by the way, I use it mostly for ordering pizzas)

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      • You are a true Renaissance man! Or woman – the picture could be bogus… 🙂 Having a landline is good. Again, it’s all I had for most of my life and we did okay with it. I think the ease of communication now has made us all a bit more obsessive-compulsive about so many things! And I absolutely LOVE that you want to taser folks looking down at their phones. For better or worse, we’re are cut out of the some cloth!

        There have been days I’ve left my phone at home and when I realize it, I feel this slow panic rising. I really have to calm myself down and tell myself it will all be okay if I’m off the grid for an hour. Now that’s just not right… You’ve inspired me to leave my phone at home more often and disconnect even more!

        But the maps thing – yeah – I HAVE to have my phone for that. Atlanta has such horrible traffic and I use the traffic thingy in Maps to help me get around of sitting for 45 minutes without moving. Plus, I started using Google Maps for using public transportation when I travel which is nothing short of amazing! My husband and I went all over Rome last January using mostly busses because it was so incredibly easy to get from here to there using Maps. And cheap! I’ve always been good with a paper map, but I could have NEVER decoded the spaghetti that is the Roman bus system. Get it – spaghetti and Italy…? I crack myself up sometimes!

        Anyway, thanks for sharing! I think you should write a book about your cell phone-less life style and maybe they’ll make a movie about it and call it “Unreachable” of “Disconnected” or “Leave Me Alone!” It could happen… 🙂


  11. It’s good to keep on your toes. Doing the same old routine is comforting, but I get that itch to switch things up. Especially when relationships become overwhelming.

    Good for you, brave soul. You’ve done what I’ve dreamed of doing ever since FB transformed into a soapbox for politics and pop-news.

    If I take the plunge and deactivate my account, I imagine it will be like riding a flying unicorn through cotton candy clouds: too good to be true 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • You’re comment made me chuckle! I’ve always dreamed of riding a flying unicorn through cotton candy clouds… While it wasn’t quite that orgasmic (wow – did I just say that?), it was pretty cool… And liberating and eye opening and revealing. Grasshopper learned much.

      I just signed back on last night and I’m determined to take control of the stupid political stuff and pop-news junk! While I missed keeping in touch with far away friends, I didn’t miss the 80% of other crap that tends to litter my news feed. I’m happy to report that I took the first steps to creating healthy FB boundaries!

      Come on…do it. You know you want to… That unicorn’s just waiting to be ridden – bareback! We’re just a couple of crazy kids aren’t we?


  12. I came off FB recently (for about three weeks) when I realised I was logging on a little more than I was comfortable with! And I have to say i didn’t miss it one bit. It does seem so useful when friends are spread around the world but the plethora of banal updates you have to sift through to find the interesting updates can be a little trying! Especially one friend who is rather fond of updates about her various animals poop…..and where they end up…😁

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  13. Okay, this is annoying…new iPad which seems to not like anything on my browser which I have an App for, grrrrrrrr.
    Any way, it’s Saturday, how’s the no Facebook thing working for ya? Grin.
    I’ve been known to go months without Facebook, even ignoring email notifications and I Gottta say it is kind of freeing to not spend every free moment an such a time vacuum.
    A lot of my non-working life revolves around electronics and email. It had sucked me in, nurtured me, for quite a few years but now I have rediscovered some old loves and am slowly weaning myself off, only going on the computer to check my email a few times instead of constantly and to do editing work for those I’ve promised to help. I am starting to read more again and getting back into my crafting. Loves I have had for many years but forsook for the new and shiny of the Internet. Internet will always be a part of our lives now that it’s here but we can control how it affects our lives; we should control it, not the other way around.

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    • Amen! Preach it sista!! You are so right – I’m coming off a 6 year infatuation with social media and going back to some old loves and have found some new ones (my blog!)

      That was my HUGE takeaway from my 10 Facebookless days – I am really in control if it and not the other way around.

      Yes, like the old Peter, Paul and Mary song (with my sincere apologies to them)…. “Facebook page very pretty and the Facebook posts are sweet, but the fruit of the poor Facebook is impossible to eat.” 🙂


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    • Thanks! I found that most of my time on my smartphone was actually on FB! I rarely took it out over the 10 days I was off FB. But I feel like I’ve kicked the habit. 🙂

      I didn’t realize how burned out I was on FB and the 90% of nonsense that’s on it. I signed back on last night – I have a business page I need to keep active – and haven’t had the slightest desire to get on it today. Yeah! I think I’ll be much more measured in how I use it from now on which is a great thing!

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    • If you don’t see a need for it in your life JoHanna, don’t do it. It can suck the productive minutes and hours from a day faster than a pointless business meeting.

      For me, I’ve loved how it has given me the chance to reconnect with people who were important to me in another place and time, but who slipped away because life happened (mine and theirs.) At this age, they and I all have more time to interact and get reacquainted. It’s given me a second chance at some relationships and the ability to have closure to others, and I’m thankful for that.

      But unless you are disciplined in how you use it (I haven’t been), it can be a force for evil. Well, that might be a bit harsh… But you get the picture! 🙂

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      • I almost caved during the WordPress 201 Class. It was an excellent class. Came back to the theme numerous times of the importance of being connected into social media for success with my blog.
        I came to my senses following a conversation with a childhood friend on the phone. A really close friend. Up until we were 5-20 years old we knew all of the same people. So she is on the phone insisting I need to get on Facebook. She had held off for years and was just signed up and having such a great time and reconnecting with all kinds of people “we” knew. As she ran through the list of “our” friends, and catching me up on their lives…I kept interrupting to inquire who she was talking about. When we would finally nail one down that I recalled, it was someone who neither of us had actually been friends with and in some cases they were people we had actively avoided knowing. It was quite a conversation and while she slips once in awhile and tells me some detail of so and so’s weekend, her Facebook life has largely become as big a mystery to me as my daughter’s and grandchildren.

        I’m not even sure if anyone I know reads my blog!

        I do think in the case of your MIL that FACEBOOK IS EVIL! Your post has stuck in my head all morning.

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      • I have an anonymous blog, so I can’t advertise it on social media. I honestly don’t want anybody I know to know about it so I can be free to write whatever I want and not hurt anybody’s feelings. And I want to be free to express myself without worrying about unsolicted “constructive criticism”.

        But even without the social media connection, I still have a nice group of followers and I’m very happy with my AGMA family! Just keep up with your blogging, and write it for your own pleasure and enjoyment. The rest will fall into place!

        All of my old, long time friends on FB are people I actually liked! It was tempting to friend every person I knew in high school that was on FB, but I pretty much couldn’t stand 80% of them!

        I’m sorry my post is stuck in your head. It IS very disturbing. And FB for my MIL is evil as you say. Read my new post. It could amuse you and make up for me unsettling you! I hope…

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  16. Love your writing. I too have a love/hate relationship with FB. I deactivated it for a few months and didn’t miss it that much. I signed back on like I never left to see pictures of someone’s new baby. I right click on the news feed anyone who posts things I hate and remove them from my feed. Do not have to unfriend that way. I am, ready to take another vacation from it soon. I use instagram and Twitter more. FB is such a time waster. On a side note, Donald Trump GOT FIRED FROM APPRENTICE! Got to love that!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for your lovely compliment! And BRAVO for unplugging. I’m following your lead – I’m taking control of who and what I see and not letting the trolls run free any longer!

      Nobody I know (in my age group that is) really does Instagram. I’ve had an account for like a year now and still don’t really understand it or how you use it. Signed up because of my son and DIL thinking they were going to post more pictures there of the baby than they have…

      I really like Twitter but I’m more of a reader than a tweeter. I like it because there’s way less negativity on it – hard to get too horrible in 146 characters (although I know people do when they try hard!) And I like that it is really a real time thing – it’s helped me in bad weather situations, get the latest on a cycling race or just get up to the minute news on something. Plus some tweets are just so funny…

      As I said in another comment… I’m waiting for the mother ship to come back to earth (it’s probably in the shape of a big comb) to pick The Donald up and take him back to his home planet of Egomania! 🙂

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