Loose end tied


AGMA and Hubs got back from our two week trip to Belgium and France (and a couple other places) less than 48 hours ago. And we’re leaving early tomorrow for Nashville.

I’m not even unpacked.

But that’s okay, we’re driving. I can throw all my crap into a trash bag if need be. Except my dress for the wedding we’re going to on Saturday. AGMA hates wearing dresses…

But that’s another post.

So no time for a ‘real’ post today. Just kinda checking in with everybody to say AGMA is still a force for the universe to reckon with.

I promise I’ll post a trip report next week when I’m stationary.

But I do want to share what we did on our last full day of our trip. And I promise my trip report won’t be backwards (although that is an interesting idea…)

It was a fulfillment of a promise I made last October right here on AGMA. Here’s the post, No blinking .

And you know how these things sometimes (most of the time) don’t work out when you’re planning 6 months ahead. But this time it did.

And I’m so glad it did.

We made it to Avize and to the Le Burn Severnay champagne house. And we tasted Patrick’s delicious champages. And they were wonderful.

But why yak when pictures can say it so much better?


This isn’t Avize, but I just wanted to give you a sense of what the Champagne region looks like.  Because it was early spring, the vines weren’t leafed out.  But it was still stunning.


The Le Brun Severnay champagne house on the Avize town square.  Avize is in the Cote des Blanc area of Champagne.  Most champagnes from Cote de Blanc are 100% Chardonnay.


This shelf was in one corner of the tasting room.  Of course nosey AGMA found it…  Turns out Patrick was a marathon runner!


Patrick’s words (French words) about his vintage 2006 100% Chardonnay champagne that won honors from the wine gurus in France.  I think he’s basically saying “Try it, you’ll like it!”




AGMA’s toast to Patrick (drinking his delicious rose champagne!)  I hoped, but didn’t honestly didn’t think we could manage to do this when I wrote my post in October.  So glad I was wrong!

Helen, the assistant in the tasting room, didn’t mention Patrick at all during our tasting.  Until afterward when I told her about our cancelled visit in September.  And then it all came pouring out…

Listening to her only confirmed the sense that I had that he was a pretty amazing guy.  “He was my boss,” she said “and I am passionate about this champagne because he was so passionate about it.” (with a very cool French accent)  Her tribute to him was incredibly touching.

We brought home two bottles of Le Brun Servenay.  Not nearly enough.

Maybe another visit is in order??

Here’s to you Patrick, and the reminder to be passionate about life.  And not to take life for granted.  And to live the sh*t out of every single day!





15 thoughts on “Loose end tied

  1. Three points:
    If you’re going by, why even use a trash bag, just dump it all in the back seat.
    That’s one of the longest, “I’m not posting” posts I’ve read.
    and I get what you mean about the dress. I hate wearing dress too, even though people say I look good in one.


    • Yeah – the post kinda got out of control… And my son and DIL will be staying at the same hotel as us as well as many other folks we know so I at least need a trash bag for appearances. And please, PLEASE post a dress picture. Your adoring fans are waiting…

      Liked by 1 person

    • It’s always time for bubbly!! We had one of the three precious bottles we brought back last night… It was wonderful and cost us all of $19 in France!

      So the first installment of the trip report got an underwhelming response. I suspect it’s because it dealt with my cycling obsession which, strangely, most people can’t identify with. Odd… 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You ARE a force to be reckoned with (says the person who really only knows you from your blog posts). What a nice tribute to Patrick, what better than a toast with his own champagne? (PS – I haven’t worn a dress in years. I sincerely hope none of my daughters ever has a formal wedding which requires me to wear one.)

    Liked by 1 person

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